Not Like the Other
Australian-British Asian Host Jonathan and his guests candidly discuss, laugh and commiserate on their experiences in trying to fit in and find their place in a straight white male dominated world and how the struggle against prejudice and discrimination remains as prevalent as ever. At times funny, anxiety inducing, cringeworthy and at times heartbreaking, each episode features real people discussing something used to define them and how problematic it can be. A safe space to laugh, inform, share, commiserate and educate.
Not Like the Other
Micro-Sode #1 - You Speak English Well!
Season 1
Episode 2
Happy Pride Month (well it was when I recorded it)!
It's our first Micro-sode!
Join me your host Jonathan, as we do a little Micro-Aggression 101. I'll delve into what a micro-aggression is and how it's different from being a shady bitch!
And if you're like me, and learn by example, we'll pick apart one of the classics "You Speak English Well". Learn why it's quite often taken in the way it may have been intended and how it's just another crappy way of saying to someone that they don't belong. I know, confusing right? Just when you thought it was safe to be complimentary! Ah, the joy of the micro-aggression!
Be safe. Be well. Be different.